2010年2月5日 星期五


photo courtesy: Selina Ho
裝置 夜光油、發泡乳膠、海綿墊、尼龍網、魚絲、木、金屬線、手電筒



Some traces are left in the path of searching--Chris Chan

Installation /dark glowing paint, expanding foam, foam-rubber cushion, nylon net, fishing line, wood, metal wire, light torch

Let’s grab a torch and enter a dark space. Light up the things, figure out and interpret them to become existence in your life. Some traces are left on the surface of the things, just like uncertain feeling is being stirred when you remember the old things. After you left, the things are trapped in darkness again, that is symbolically parallel to the moment when the past is being forgotten.

陳錦成分別在2004年及2006年於澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學和香港藝術中心藝術學院合辦學士純藝術(繪畫)課程和該學院合辦的藝術碩士課程畢業。近年曾參與的展覽包括「十三個手提藝術的故事」(2009),「藝術貨櫃」(2008),「複數」(2007),「藝術常品–藝術家產品計劃」(2006),「東棟動– 觀塘藝術工作解構」(2006),「雕塑復雕塑(2004)」等。作為混合媒介雕塑藝術工作者,他喜歡利用不同的物料探索雕塑的可能性。他的作品經常透過物料的可變和不確定性,去呈現自我的存在和他自己的身體與外在世界的關係。

Chan Kam Shing, Chris graduated with bachelor of Fine Art (Painting) in 2004 and MFA in 2006 from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University co-presented with the Hong Kong Art School, HKAC. He has joined various exhibitions in Hong Kong and Shanghai, like, The Thirteen Stories of Portable Art 2009, Art Container 2008, Complex Number 2007, Artiple - Artist Product Project 2006, LEAP - Local East-Kowloon Art in Progress 2006, Sculpture Non-Sculpture 2004. He is a mixed media sculptural artist. He uses different kind of material to explore the possibilities of sculpture. His works always represent the self existence and the relation between his body and the external physical world through the variability and uncertainty of materials.

