2010年2月5日 星期五


photo courtey: Selina Ho


Working in Hollywood--Silas Fong
Video Installation/Colour/No Sound43 mins

Working for a job at Hollywood Road in Hong Kong for more than a year, I often see workers taking rest from their very hard works. They are smoking, lying down and chatting at some hidden alleys. These might be their real moment and space of freedom in their daily lives.
In search of the community in workers’ realistic and idealistic livelihood, I try to represent their private space, time, characters, dialogue (monologue) and my imagination driven.

方琛宇,香港土生土長的當代藝術家。2008年於香港浸會大學視覺藝術院畢業,其間赴荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學作交流生,畢業數月後在香港首次舉辦個人展 <不知名> 。他的錄像、裝置及新媒體作品曾於芬蘭、德國、香港、澳門、西班牙、韓國、英國及台灣展出。其中<販賣偷來的時間>羸得第十四屆香港獨立短片及錄像比賽互動媒體組金獎,並收藏於澳門藝術館中國行為藝術文獻。於2009年獲得香港當代藝術雙年獎 - 青年藝術家獎。


網站: http://www.silasfong.com
電郵: info@silasfong.com

Born in 1985, Silas Fong graduated in the Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University in 2008. He had completed a student exchange programme in University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Within several months after graduation, his first solo exhibition was held in Hong Kong Cattle Depot. His video, installation and new media works have been exhibited in Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, Macau, Spain, Korea, United Kingdom and Taiwan. His work received the gold award in the Interactive Media Category of the 14th Hong Kong Independent Short Film and Video Awards in 2009 and was collected in the Documentaries of Chinese Performance Art of the Macao Museum of Art. He won the Young Artist Award from Hong Kong Art Biennale 2009, as one of the promising young artists who demonstrate sensibility towards the urban environment.

Fong practices on different media according to the concept of his work. His research based on personal engagement into social and interpersonal relationships, and is especially interested in perception, daily life, space, time, city and strangers. Recently, he experiments ideas through videos and performances.

website: http://www.silasfong.com
email: info@silasfong.com

