2010年2月5日 星期五



我探討博弈論,以自身升中派位的經歷 — 太多同學的相同選擇而改變原先之第一志願,此決定策略地影響了隨機變數令我升上皇仁書院,並因緣際會地來到中央書院(皇仁書院前稱)舊址展出藝術創作。


1. 「騫翁得馬,焉知非禍」,我升上皇仁書院,成為國父孫中山的校友,卻遇上人生的第一次重大打擊和挑戰,是命運的必然嗎?我會以電腦程式流程圖創作回應。

2. 「攪珠派嚟呀!」中一班主任駡人金句,意指我們根基差,只是憑運氣派入皇仁書院,我會以BINGO攪珠遊戲創作回應當中隨機變數在生命中的意義。

3. 「你都唔係波嚟嘅!」中一班主任另一駡人金句,意指我們沒有盡力,當時年少的我只覺「係波的話咪俾人踢嚟踢去囉」。我會以足球遊戲創作回應自身學習經驗。

4. 問答比賽﹕中小學階段的回憶。我會以裝置回應知和不知的局限,策略及隨機變數對結果的影響。

5. 漂流教室﹕皇仁書院以會考狀元輩出而為人所頌,今時今日學生則以補習天王為偶像,我會將他們的造像並例,讓人景仰。

6. 我帶 Indestructible Bust of Dr Bateson Wright 回到中央書院﹕二次大戰日軍佔中央書院大戰,燒毀了書院所有,只剩下第二任校長 Dr Bateson Wright 的石雕像,現放於皇仁書院入口大堂。傳說此石雕稱為 Indestructible Bust of Dr Bateson Wright是因為日軍見人像之神氣而揮刀斬之,卻只破其額及鼻子,及後戰火亦沒有令它倒下。我會將 Dr Bateson Wright 的石雕像倒模並修補,帶回到中央書院展出 。

我能來到中央書院舊址展出藝術創作,是偶然,還是命運的必然?如果我沒有改變原先之第一志願,沒有升上皇仁書院,沒有成為藝術家,我會帶 Indestructible Bust of Dr Bateson Wright 回到中央書院嗎?

Photo courtesy: Selina Ho

The Unbearable GAMES of being--Cheung Chi Ming, Carl
Mixed media installation

I explore the game theory with my personal experience of secondary school places allocation. I, considering too many friends selected the same option, changed my original first choice, and eventually this random decision enabled me to study in Queen’s College. Curiously, I come to this site (the former site of Queen’s College which was then named as the Central College) and display my works of art here.

1. The random choice of mine enabled me to study in Queen’s College and associated with Sun Yat-sen, the famous alumni of the College. However, this choice is the reason that I encountered the first major blow to life in school. I make a flowchart programme in questioning the unexpected turns of twists of life.

2. ‘Is it a luck draw? ’: My class teacher thought that it is a matter of luck that enabled many of us to get into the Queen’s College. I use a BINGO game to consider random variables and the meanings of life.

3. ‘What are you doing here?’: My class teacher used the metaphor of football game in referring to our lack of commitment to school work. I develop my own football game to consider what learning means.

4. Quiz: Based on my primary and secondary school memories, I use installation devises to demonstrate how known and unknown, strategies and random variables affect the results.

5. Drifting classroom: Queen's College is renowned for nurturing students who did extremely well in the open examinations. But nowadays students seek helps from private tutors. I use models and statutes of these private tutors to reflect on the phenomenon of ‘private tuition’.

6. Bringing Indestructible Bust of Dr Bateson Wright to Central School: During the Second World War, Japanese troop occupied the school, and burned it down. What was left is the bust of Dr Bateson Wright, the second chancellor, and the bust is now located at the entrance lobby of Queen's College. I cast a model of the bust of Dr Bateson Wright and display it at the Central School.

I keep wondering whether it is a coincidence, or some sort of curious affinity, that enables me to make artwork at the former site of Queen’s College. If I did not change me my mind, or I did not become an artist, what is the chance that I bring the Indestructible Bust of Dr Bateson Wright to the Central School?


Carl Cheng Chi Ming graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with a Bachelor of Business Administration, and completed his Masters in Fine Art from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University in 2008. He is devoted to teaching art and developing the art scene in Hong Kong through his studio “Arthome”, created in 2004. Being selected as Bloomberg Emerging Artist 2009, Carl has shown his 15 installations in his solo exhibition to explore themes and behaviours in our present lives through Chinese games. Through large scale art installations, visitors experience rather than passively view his work, being encouraged to feel and reflect on elements of human nature.

